Date: 13th Feb, 2025 01:00 PM

જે વિધાર્થીઓએ ફી રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-૪ માં પોતાના બેંક ખાતા ની વિગતો તા.૦૫/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ થી તા.૧૨/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ સુધી માં ભરી છે, તેવા વિદ્યાર્થીઓની ફી રીફંડ કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા ચાલુ છે, તેઓએ પોતાના રીફન્ડ માટેની વિગત પોતાના બેંક ખાતામાં તા.૧૭/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ પછી જોવી.
[08-Feb-2025 03:10 PM]

- Advertisement for 3rd Round of Online Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Institute Wise Result (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Last Rank (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Vacant Seat After Round-03 (MD/MS/Diploma)
- List of Students required to pay the tuition fees online or at designated branch of Axis Bank
- List of Students required to report at the Help Center
- List of Designated Branches of AXIS Bank for Payment of Tuition Fees
- List of Help Centers
- Steps for Admission Confirmation
- Instructions for submission of Original Documents after allotment of admission
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate Size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- Revised MD/MS/Diploma Information Bulletin by MCC for 2024-25
- Notice of MCC, New Delhi for weeded out AIQ Admitted Candidate
- List of AIQ admitted Candidates who are removed from State Merit List
- Modified AIQ and State Schedule PG 2024 after percentile reduction dated 08.02.2025
[Date: 05 Feb, 2025 2:30 PM]
- Candidates whose names appear in the unsuccessful list are required to update their bank account details in refund round-04 through their login ID.
- જે ઉમેદવારોના નામ unsuccessful લિસ્ટમાં આવે છે, તેઓએ તેમના લૉગિન આઈડી મારફતે પોતાની બેંક ખાતાની સાચી અને અપડેટ કરેલી માહિતી ફરીથી રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-૦4 માં ભરવાની રહેશે.
Date: 05th Feb, 2025 10:25 AM

- રાઉન્ડ-૩ ની વિદ્યાર્થીઓની ફી રીફંડ કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા તા.૦૧/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ કરવામાં આવેલ છે, તેઓએ પોતાના રીફન્ડ માટેની વિગત પોતાના બેંક ખાતામાં તા.૦૪/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ પછી જોવી.
- જે વિધાર્થીઓએ અનુસ્નાતક ડેન્ટલ માં પ્રવેશ મેળવેલ હોય/ પ્રવેશ કેન્સલ કરાવેલ હોય/પ્રવેશ ન મેળવેલ હોય, ટ્યુશન ફી રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-૧, રાઉન્ડ-૨ અને રાઉન્ડ-૩ માં ટ્યુશન ફી પરત મળેલ નથી અને ટ્યુશન ફી રિફંડ પરત લેવા માટે લાયક છે, તેવા વિધાર્થીઓએ પોતાના બેંક ખાતા ની વિગતો તા.૦૫/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ થી તા.૧૨/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ સુધી ભરવાની રહેશે.
- List of the candidates whose Tuition fee is Refundable and pending with Admission Committee are required to fill their bank details
- જે વિધાર્થીઓ ૨૫૦૦૦/- સિક્યુરિટી ડિપોઝિટ પરત લેવા માટે લાયક છે, અને સિક્યુરિટી ડિપોઝિટ રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-૧, રાઉન્ડ-૨ અને રાઉન્ડ-૩ માં ડિપોઝિટ પરત મળેલ નથી તેવા વિધાર્થીઓએ પોતાના બેંક ખાતા ની વિગતો તા.૦૫/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ થી તા.૧૨/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ સુધી ભરવાની રહેશે.
- List of the candidates whose Security Deposit is Refundable and pending with Admission Committee are required to fill their bank details
- List of the successful candidates whose Security Deposit is Refunded in Round 3
- List of the successful candidates whose Tuition fee is Refunded in Round 2
- List of the successful candidates whose Security Deposit is Refunded in Round 2
- List of the successful candidates whose Tuition fee is Refunded in Round 1
- List of the successful candidates whose Security Deposit is Refunded in Round 1
- List of the unsuccessful candidates whose Security Deposit is not Refunded in Round 3
- List of the unsuccessful candidates whose Security Deposit is not Refunded in Round 1
- Instructions for Refund Round-4
[04-Feb-2025, 07:15 PM]

It is to bring into all candidate’s kind notice that, date for online choice filling of third round for MD/MS/Diploma courses has been extended till 08/02/2025, till 10:00 am.
તમામ ઉમેદવારોની સૂચનામાં આપવામાં આવે છે કે, MD/MS/ડિપ્લોમા અભ્યાસક્રમો માટે ઓનલાઈન ચોઈસ ફિલિંગ ત્રીજા રાઉન્ડની તારીખ 08/02/2025 સુધી સવારે 10:00 વાગ્યા સુધી લંબાવવામાં આવી છે.
[03-Feb-2025, 06:00 PM]

It is to bring into all candidate’s kind notice that, date for online choice filling of third round for MD/MS/Diploma courses has been extended till 05/02/2025, till 11:00 am.
તમામ ઉમેદવારોની સૂચનામાં આપવામાં આવે છે કે, MD/MS/ડિપ્લોમા અભ્યાસક્રમો માટે ઓનલાઈન ચોઈસ ફિલિંગ ત્રીજા રાઉન્ડની તારીખ 05/02/2025 સુધી સવારે 11:00 વાગ્યા સુધી લંબાવવામાં આવી છે.
[01-Feb-2025, 08:30 AM]

- Advertisement for Third Round Online Choice filling
- Guidelines for choice filling
- Available seats for Third Round
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- Revised MD/MS/Diploma Information Bulletin by MCC for 2024-25
After giving allotment to all reserved category candidates to reserved seats, vacant reserved category seats are transferable to unreserved category seats. This process will be done at the time of allotment. For example, from NRI quota to Management quota and from SC, ST, SEBC, EWS to General (Open) category, from PwD/In-service Quota to the respective category.
ઇનસર્વિસ અને PwD (પર્સન વિથ ડિસેબિલિટી) કેટેગરીના ઉમેદવારોને તેઓ દ્વારા રજિસ્ટ્રેશન જે કેટેગરીમાં કરાવેલ હશે, તેજ કેટેગરીની સીટમાં પ્રવેશ ફાળવવામાં આવશે.
અનામત કેટેગરીના તમામ ઉમેદવારોને અનામત બેઠકો પર પ્રવેશ આપ્યા પછી, અનામત કેટેગરીની ખાલી રહેતી બેઠકો બિન અનામત શ્રેણીની બેઠકોમાં ટ્રાન્સફર કરવાપાત્ર હોય છે. આ પ્રક્રિયા અલોટમેન્ટ વખતે કરવામાં આવશે. દા.ત. NRI કવોટા થી Management ક્વોટા તથા SC, ST, SEBC, EWS થી General (Open) કેટેગરી અને PwD/In-service ક્વોટાથી જે તે કેટેગરીમાં ટ્રાન્સફર થશે.
All candidates are requested to follow the choice filling of counselling as per his/her desire with/without considering the seat matrix available on the website.
Vacant NRI seats will be converted to Management seats.
Vacant Management seats will be converted to Government seats.
Vacant Institutional seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to respective CATEGORY of State seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS).
Vacant Reserved Category State seats (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to OPEN State seats.
Vacant PwD/In-service category seats will be converted to State seats in the respective category.
Above procedure will be followed during the allotment process.
Date: 31st Jan, 2025 05:00 PM

જે વિધાર્થીઓએ ફી રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-3 માં પોતાના બેંક ખાતા ની વિગતો તા.૨૩/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ થી તા.૩૧/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ સુધી માં ભરી છે, તેવા વિદ્યાર્થીઓની ફી રીફંડ કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા ચાલુ છે, તેઓએ પોતાના રીફન્ડ માટેની વિગત પોતાના બેંક ખાતામાં તા.0૭/૦૨/૨૦૨૫ પછી જોવી.

- Cancelled Seat List in Round-02 with forfeiture of Refundable Security Deposit and removed from the Merit List (Upto 29-01-2025 05.30 PM)
- Newly Added seats For Round-3
- Non Reported Seat List Round-02
- Vacant Seat After Round-02 (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- Modified AIQ and State Schedule PG 2024 after percentile reduction dated 20.01.2025
[27-Jan-2025 12:52 PM]

- Provisional General Merit List
- Provisional SC Merit List
- Provisional ST Merit List
- Provisional SEBC Merit List
- Provisional EWS Merit List
- Provisional PwD Merit List
- Provisional In Service Merit List
- Provisional NRI Merit List
- Not Eligible Candidate List

- Newly Added seats For Round-3
- Non Reported Seat List Round-02
- Cancelled Seat List Round-02
- Vacant Seat After Round-02 (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- Modified AIQ and State Schedule PG 2024 after percentile reduction dated 20.01.2025
(For MD/MS/Diploma Courses)
[Date: 27 Jan, 2025 10:00 AM]

- The candidates, who have confirmed their admission in 1st /2nd Round of PG Medical (MD/MS/Diploma) Courses after paying tuition fees at designated branch of Axis bank & submitting the original documents at the Help Center, and wants to cancel the admission, can cancel their admission at Help Center where the candidate has submitted Original Documents for admission confirmation from 27/01/2025, 10.00 am till 29/01/2025, 3:00 pm.
- Procedure for Admission Cancellation

રાઉન્ડ-૨ ની વિદ્યાર્થીઓની ફી રીફંડ કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા તા.૨૨/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ કરવામાં આવેલ છે, તેઓએ પોતાના રીફન્ડ માટેની વિગત પોતાના બેંક ખાતામાં તા.૨૩/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ પછી જોવી.
જે વિધાર્થીઓએ અનુસ્નાતક ડેન્ટલ માં પ્રવેશ મેળવેલ હોય/ પ્રવેશ કેન્સલ કરાવેલ હોય/પ્રવેશ ન મેળવેલ હોય, ટ્યુશન ફી રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-૧ અને રાઉન્ડ-૨ માં ટ્યુશન ફી પરત મળેલ નથી અને ટ્યુશન ફી રિફંડ પરત લેવા માટે લાયક છે, તેવા વિધાર્થીઓએ પોતાના બેંક ખાતા ની વિગતો તા.૨૩/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ થી તા.૩૧/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ સુધી ભરવાની રહેશે.
જે વિધાર્થીઓ ૨૫૦૦૦/- સિક્યુરિટી ડિપોઝિટ પરત લેવા માટે લાયક છે, અને સિક્યુરિટી ડિપોઝિટ રિફંડ રાઉન્ડ-૧ અને રાઉન્ડ-૨ માં ડિપોઝિટ પરત મળેલ નથી તેવા વિધાર્થીઓએ પોતાના બેંક ખાતા ની વિગતો તા.૨૩/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ થી તા.૩૧/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ સુધી ભરવાની રહેશે.
- List of the successful candidates whose Tuition fee is Refunded in Round 2
- List of the successful candidates whose Security Deposit is Refunded in Round 2
- List of the successful candidates whose Tuition fee is Refunded in Round 1
- List of the successful candidates whose Security Deposit is Refunded in Round 1
- List of the unsuccessful candidates whose Security Deposit is not Refunded in Round 1
[23rd Jan, 2025 10:50 AM]
[21th Jan, 2025 04:45 PM]
[20th Jan, 2025 03:55 PM]

[17th Jan, 2025 11:10 AM]

[10th Jan, 2025 1:50 PM]
જે વિધાર્થીઓએ પ્રવેશ સમિતિ ખાતે ભરેલ ટ્યુશન ફી અને રીફંડેબલ સીક્યુરીટી ડીપોઝીટ માંથી રીફંડ લેવાના થતાં હોય તેવા તમામ વિધાર્થીઓએ ઓનલાઈન ફૉર્મ માં તેમના રિફંડ ની વિગતો, તેમજ બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ ની વિગતો તા. ૧૦/૦૧/૨૦૨૫ થી ૨૦/૦૧/૨૦૨૫, ૪:૦૦ વાગ્યા સુધીમાં ભરવાની રહેશે. તમામ વિધાર્થીઓને ટ્યુશન ફી ના રીફંડ પ્રવેશ સમિતિ દ્વારા તેમના બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ માં Electronic Transfer થી જમા કરવામાં આવશે. રીફંડ ની વિગતો માં કોઈ પણ ભૂલ જણાય તો પ્રવેશ સમિતિ ના ઈ-મેઇલ પર આપના USER ID સાથે જાણ કરવાની રહેશે.
નોટ- રાઉન્ડ-૦૧માં જે વિધાર્થીઓએ ટ્યુશન ફી અને રીફંડેબલ ર્સીક્યુરીટી ડીપોઝીટ માંથી રીફંડ માટે ઓનલાઈન ફૉર્મ માં વિગતો ભરેલ છે, એમની રીફંડ માટેની અત્યારે બેન્કિંગ પ્રોસેસ ચાલે છે.
All students who have paid the tuition fee and refundable security deposit to the Admission Committee and wish to claim a refund must fill in their refund details and bank account information in the online form between 10/01/2025 and 20/01/2025, 4:00 PM. The tuition fee refund will be transferred electronically to the students' bank accounts by the Admission Committee. If there is any mistake in the refund details, students must inform the Admission Committee via email at along with their USER ID.
Note: For the students who have submitted their refund details for tuition fee and refundable security deposit in the online form during Round-01, the banking process for their refund is currently underway.

- The Admission Committee informs that the cancellation of State Quota admissions for PG Medical courses (MD/MS/Diploma) will be reopened again after the declaration of the AIQ 3rd Round Allotment.

- In accordance with the minimum qualifying/eligibility criteria for admission to MD/MS/Diploma courses as mentioned, the revised qualifying percentile for various categories are as follows
- Letter from Office of MCC, Ref. U-12021/05/2024-MEC, dated: 04-01-2025
Category | Minimum Qualifying/Eligibility Criteria |
General/EWS | 15th percentile |
SC/ST/OBC/ PwD category | 10th percentile |

- The candidates, who have confirmed their admission in 1st /2nd Round of PG Medical (MD/MS/Diploma) Courses after paying tuition fees at designated branch of Axis bank & submitting the original documents at the Help Center, and wants to cancel the admission, can cancel their admission at Help Center where the candidate has submitted Original Documents for admission confirmation from 06/01/2025, 10.00 am till 08/01/2025, 3:00 pm.
- Procedure for Admission Cancellation

- જે વિધાર્થીઓએ પ્રવેશ સમિતિ ખાતે ભરેલ ટ્યુશન ફી અને રીફંડેબલ ર્સીક્યુરીટી ડીપોઝીટ માંથી રીફંડ લેવાના થતાં હોય તેવા તમામ વિધાર્થીઓએ ઓનલાઈન ફૉર્મ માં તેમના રિફંડ ની વિગતો, પ્રવેશ ની કોલેજ તેમજ બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ ની વિગતો ભરવાની તા.૨૪/૧૨/૨૦૨૪ થી ૦૧/૦૧/૨૦૨૫, ૪:૦૦ વગ્યા સુધી રહેશે. તમામ વિધાર્થીઓને ટ્યુશન ફી ના રીફંડ પ્રવેશ સમિતિ દ્વારા તેમના બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ માં Electronic Transfer થી જમા કરવામાં આવશે. રીફંડ ની વિગતો માં કોઈ પણ ભૂલ જણાય તો પ્રવેશ સમિતિ ના ઈ-મેઇલ પર આપના USER ID સાથે જાણ કરવાની રહેશે.
- List of the candidates who are eligible for refund of 25,000/- security deposit are required to fill their bank details
- List of the candidates who are eligible for refund of tuition fees are required to fill their bank details
[23-Dec-2024 10:10 PM]
- Advertisement for 2nd Round of Online Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Institute Wise Result (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Last Rank (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Vacant Seat After Round-02 (MD/MS/Diploma)
- List of Students required to pay the tuition fees online or at designated branch of Axis Bank
- List of Students required to report at the Help Center
- List of Designated Branches of AXIS Bank for Payment of Tuition Fees
- List of Help Centers
- Steps for Admission Confirmation
- Instructions for submission of Original Documents after allotment of admission
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate Size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC, MD/MS/Diploma Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
[Date:23 Dec, 2024 11:40 AM]
- Admission Committee hereby informs to all the students that, MD/MS/Diploma Choice filling for Round-2 has been extended till 23/12/2024, 04:30 pm.
- Please see the Tuition Fees of Pathology branch of MK Shah Medical College, Ahmedabad and fill choice accordingly.
- MD/MS/Diploma Fees Details (2024-25)
[20-Dec-2024 01:30 PM]
- Advertisement
- Guidelines for choice filling
- Newly Added seats in Round-2
- Vacant Seats including Round -01 Vacant seats, Round -01 Non-Reported & Cancel Seats For (MD/MS/Diploma) For 2024-25
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
In-service and PwD (Persons with Disabilities) category candidates will be allotted admission only on those category seats in the category they have done registration.
After giving allotment to all reserved category candidates to reserved seats, reserved category seats are transferable to unreserved category seats. This process will be done at the time of allotment of the 2nd Round. For example, from NRI quota to Management quota and from SC, ST, SEBC, EWS to General (Open) category, from PwD/In-service Quota to the respective category.
ઇનસર્વિસ અને PwD (પર્સન વિથ ડિસેબિલિટી) કેટેગરીના ઉમેદવારોને તેઓ દ્વારા રજિસ્ટ્રેશન જે કેટેગરીમાં કરાવેલ હશે, તેજ કેટેગરીની સીટમાં પ્રવેશ ફાળવવામાં આવશે.
અનામત કેટેગરીના તમામ ઉમેદવારોને અનામત બેઠકો પર પ્રવેશ આપ્યા પછી, અનામત કેટેગરીની ખાલી રહેતી બેઠકો બિન અનામત શ્રેણીની બેઠકોમાં ટ્રાન્સફર કરવાપાત્ર હોય છે. આ પ્રક્રિયા બીજા રાઉન્ડના અલોટમેન્ટ વખતે કરવામાં આવશે. દા.ત. NRI કવોટા થી Management ક્વોટા તથા SC, ST, SEBC, EWS થી General (Open) કેટેગરી અને PwD/In-service ક્વોટાથી જે તે કેટેગરીમાં ટ્રાન્સફર થશે.
All candidates are requested to follow the choice filling of counselling as per his/her desire with/without considering the seat matrix available on the website.
- Vacant NRI seats will be converted to Management seats.
- Vacant Management seats will be converted to Government seats.
- Vacant Institutional seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to respective CATEGORY of State seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS).
- Vacant Reserved Category State seats (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to OPEN State seats.
- Vacant PwD/In-service category seats will be converted to State seats in the respective category.
- Above procedure will be followed during the second-round allotment process.
[20-Dec-2024 11:20 AM]
Commencement date of Academic Session for
MD/MS/Diploma courses for the academic year 2024-25
[Date:19 Dec, 2024 03:20 PM]
- [As per the schedule given by the office of the MCC, New Delhi commencement of Academic Session for MD/MS/Diploma courses for the academic year 2024-25 is 20th December, 2024. So, all the candidates, who have taken admission in MD/MS/Diploma courses after completion of admission confirmation process (i.e., payment of fees & submission of original documents to Help center of ACPUGMEC & getting Admission order from Help center) are instructed to take note of this.
- MCC, MD/MS/Diploma Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
[16th Dec, 2024 11:00 AM]
- Advertisement for 2nd Round of Online Registration
- Procedure for Online Registration
- Process of Online admission
- List of Help Centers
- Instruction for NRI Candidates
- Authority Letter
- Eligibility Criteria and list of Documents Required for Admission process of ACPPGMEC
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
PwD (PERSON with DISABILITY) Candidates: Students applying under the disability category will have to appear for verification with their disability certificate before the Medical Board at the Civil Hospital as mentioned below:
- Civil Hospital List for PwD
- Letter no: HFWD/0133/07/2024 dated 09/07/2024 Resolution of Disability from Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat [આરોગ્ય અને પરિવાર કલ્યાણ વિભાગ, ગુજરાત સરકાર તરફથી પત્ર નંબર: HFWD/0133/07/2024 તારીખ 09/07/2024 દિવ્યાંગતાનો ઠરાવ]
- Proforma of disability [દિવ્યાંગતાનું પ્રોફોર્મા]
- Guidelines regarding admission of students with “Specified Disabilities” under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (date 13/05/20219)
- The candidates, who have confirmed their admission in 01st Round of PG Medical (MD/MS/Diploma) Courses after paying tuition fees at designated branch of Axis bank & submitting the original documents at the Help Center, and wants to cancel the admission, can cancel their admission at Help Center where the candidate has submitted Original Documents for admission confirmation till 17/12/2024, 4:00 pm.
- Procedure for Admission Cancellation
The server will undergo maintenance from 11:00 PM on December 13, 2024, to 5:00 AM on December 14, 2024. During this period, the website will be unavailable.
સર્વર 13 ડિસેમ્બર 2024 ના રાત્રે 11:00 વાગ્યા થી 14 ડિસેમ્બર 2024 ના સવારે 5:00 વાગ્યા સુધી મેન્ટેનન્સ હેઠળ રહેશે. આ સમયગાળા દરમિયાન, વેબસાઇટ ઉપલબ્ધ રહેશે નહીં.
- The candidates, who have confirmed their admission in 01st Round of PG Medical (MD/MS/Diploma) Courses after paying tuition fees at designated branch of Axis bank & submitting the original documents at the Help Center, and wants to cancel the admission, can cancel their admission at Help Center where the candidate has submitted Original Documents for admission confirmation from 13/12/2024, 10.00 am till 16/12/2024, 2:00 pm.
- Procedure for Admission Cancellation
- Advertisement for 1st Round of Online Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Institute Wise Result (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Last Rank (MD/MS/Diploma)
- Non Converted Vacant Seats of Government Quota (SC,ST,SE,EWS) / NRI / Pwd Quota / In Service Quota / Institutional Quota After Round-01 (MD/MS/Diploma)
- List of Designated Branches of AXIS Bank for Payment of Tuition Fees
- List of Help Centers
- Steps for Admission Confirmation
- Instructions for submission of Original Documents after allotment of admission
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate Size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC, MD/MS/Diploma Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
[22-Nov-2024, 4.45 PM]
- Advertisement
- Guidelines for choice filling
- Category wise tentative Seat Matrix for MD/MS/DIPLOMA
- DNB Seat/Fees Details For Inservice Candidate (2024-25)
- PwD tentative Seat Matrix for MD/MS/DIPLOMA
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MD/MS/Diploma AIQ as well as State Counselling Schedule 2024-25
- MD/MS/Diploma Information Bulletin by MCC for 2024-25
In-service and PwD (Persons with Disabilities) category candidates will be allotted admission only on those category seats in the category they have done registration. After giving allotment to all reserved category candidates to reserved seats, reserved category seats are transferable to unreserved category seats. This process will be done at the time of allotment of the 2nd Round. E.g., from NRI quota to Management quota and from SC, ST, SEBC, EWS to General (Open) category, from PwD/In-service Quota to respective category. ઇનસર્વિસ અને PwD (પર્સન વિથ ડિસેબિલિટી) કેટેગરીના ઉમેદવારોને તેઓ દ્વારા રજિસ્ટ્રેશન જે કેટેગરીમાં કરાવેલ હશે, તેજ કેટેગરીની સીટમાં પ્રવેશ ફાળવવામાં આવશે. અનામત કેટેગરીના તમામ ઉમેદવારોને અનામત બેઠકો પર પ્રવેશ આપ્યા પછી, અનામત કેટેગરીની ખાલી રહેતી બેઠકો બિન અનામત શ્રેણીની બેઠકોમાં ટ્રાન્સફર કરવાપાત્ર હોય છે. આ પ્રક્રિયા બીજા રાઉન્ડ ના અલોટમેન્ટ વખતે કરવામાં આવશે. દા.ત. NRI કવોટા થી Management ક્વોટા તથા SC, ST, SEBC, EWS થી General (Open) કેટેગરી અને PwD/In-service ક્વોટાથી જે તે કેટેગરીમાં ટ્રાન્સફર થશે.
All candidates are requested to follow the choice filling of counselling as per his/her desire with/without considering the seat matrix available on website
- Vacant NRI seats will be converted to Management seats
- Vacant Management seats will be converted to Government seats
- Vacant Institutional seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to respective CATEGORY of State seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS).
- Vacant Reserved Category State seats (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to OPEN State seats
- Vacant PwD/In-service category seats will be converted to State seats in respective category
- Above procedure will be followed during the second-round allotment process.
[21-Nov-2024 05:50 PM]
[14-Nov-2024 6:45 PM]

- Provisional General Merit List
- Provisional SC Merit List
- Provisional ST Merit List
- Provisional SEBC Merit List
- Provisional EWS Merit List
- Provisional PwD Merit List
- Provisional In Service Merit List
- Provisional NRI Merit List
- Not Eligible Candidate List
- Status of NRI Applications
- Report of Pwd Candidates
[12-Nov-2024 1:40 PM]
- Provisional General Merit List
- Provisional SC Merit List
- Provisional ST Merit List
- Provisional SEBC Merit List
- Provisional EWS Merit List
- Provisional PwD Merit List
- Provisional In Service Merit List
- Provisional NRI Merit List
- Not Eligible Candidate List
- Status of NRI Applications
- Report of Pwd Candidates
Provisional Merit List of ACPPGMEC–2024 is published here on this website. If any candidate has any query/problem regarding Provisional Merit List of ACPPGMEC–2024, the candidate has to submit the legible scanned copies of supportive documents via e-mail: on or before 01.00 pm, 14th November, 2024. Please mention the USER ID & NAME whenever you do communication with ACPPGMEC.
તારીખ: ૧૨/૧૧/૨૦૨૪
હાજર થવાનો સમય: સવારે ૯:૦૦ કલાક થી સવારે ૧૧:૦૦ કલાક સુધી.
[11-Nov-2024 3:00 PM]
- પ્રવેશ સમિતિ ખાતે અનુસ્નાતક ડેન્ટલ (MDS) કોર્ષના શૈક્ષણિક વર્ષ ૨૦૨૪-૨૫ ની પ્રવેશ પ્રક્રિયા પૂર્ણ જાહેર કરવામાં આવે છે.
- આથી, પ્રવેશ સમિતિ દ્વારા અનુસ્નાતક ડેન્ટલ કોર્ષના એડમિશનમાં કોઈ ફેરફાર કરવામાં આવશે નહિ કે કોઈ પણ પ્રવેશ રદ કરવામાં આવશે નહિ તેની બધાજ વિદ્યાર્થી અને વાલીને જાણ થાય.
- Final Institute Wise Admitted List (MDS)
- Final Rank Wise Admitted List (MDS)
- Vacancy after completion of whole admission process (MDS) 2024-25
- List of candidates whose Refundable Security Deposit is forfeited and removed from merit list
(Date: 18th Oct 2024, 02:15 PM)
- Advertisement for Online Special Stray Vacancy Round Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MDS)
- Institute Wise Result (MDS)
- Last Rank (MDS)
- Instructions For Admission Confirmation - Online Stray Vacancy Round
- List of Help Centers
- List of designated Branch of AXIS bank for collection of Fees
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- List of Students required to pay the tuition fees online or at designated branch of Axis Bank
- List of candidates required reporting to help center Online Stray Vacancy Round (MDS)
- MCC MDS Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
- Vacant Seats after completion of Admission Process
- Advertisement – Online Registration (MDS) after revised cut off
- Procedure for Online Registration - PG MDS
- Process of Online Admission - PG MDS
- Eligibility Criteria and list of Documents Required for Admission process of ACPPGMEC
- List of Help Centers
- Authority Letter
- MCC Schedule for Special Stray Vacancy Round for State as well as AIQ
- In accordance with the revised minimum qualifying/eligibility criteria for admission to MDS courses as mentioned in the Letter No. V.12025/84/2024-DE dated 17.09.2024pp for NEET-MDS 2024, the cut-off scores for various categories are as follows:
Category | Minimum Qualifying/Eligibility Criteria | Cut-Off Scores (Out of 960) |
General/EWS | 28.308 th percentile | 196 |
SC/ST/OBC (Including PwBD of SC/ST/OBC) | 18.308 th percentile | 164 |
General PwD | 23.308 th percentile | 180 |
[09th Oct, 2024 03:30 PM]
- Advertisement for 1st Round of Online Registration
- Procedure for Online Registration
- Process of Online admission
- List of Help Centers
- Instruction for NRI Candidates
- Authority Letter
- Eligibility Criteria and list of Documents Required for Admission process of ACPPGMEC
PwD (PERSON with DISABILITY) Candidates: Students applying under the disability category will have to appear for verification with their disability certificate before the Medical Board at the Civil Hospital as mentioned below:
- Civil Hospital List for PwD
- Letter no: HFWD/0133/07/2024 dated 09/07/2024 Resolution of Disability from Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat [આરોગ્ય અને પરિવાર કલ્યાણ વિભાગ, ગુજરાત સરકાર તરફથી પત્ર નંબર: HFWD/0133/07/2024 તારીખ 09/07/2024 દિવ્યાંગતાનો ઠરાવ]
- Proforma of disability [દિવ્યાંગતાનું પ્રોફોર્મા]
- Guidelines regarding admission of students with “Specified Disabilities” under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (date 13/05/20219)
- તા. 14/09/2024 ના રોજ અત્રેની પ્રવેશ સમિતિ ખાતે અનુસ્નાતક ડેન્ટલ (MDS) કોર્ષના શૈક્ષણિક વર્ષ ૨૦૨૪-૨૫ ની પ્રવેશ પ્રક્રિયા પૂર્ણ જાહેર કરવામાં આવે છે.
- આથી, પ્રવેશ સમિતિ દ્વારા અનુસ્નાતક ડેન્ટલ કોર્ષના એડમિશનમાં કોઈ ફેરફાર કરવામાં આવશે નહિ કે કોઈ પણ પ્રવેશ રદ કરવામાં આવશે નહિ તેની બધાજ વિદ્યાર્થી અને વાલીને જાણ થાય.
- Final Institute Wise Admitted List (MDS)
- Final Rank Wise Admitted List (MDS)
- Vacancy after completion of whole admission process (MDS) 2024-25
- MDS Stray Vacancy Round Non-Reported Candidate List
- List of candidates whose Refundable Security Deposit is forfeited and removed from merit list
- Advertisement For Online Stray Vacancy Round of Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MDS)
- Institute Wise Result (MDS)
- Last Rank (MDS)
- Instructions For Admission Confirmation - Online Stray Vacancy Round
- List of Help Centers
- List of designated Branch of AXIS bank for collection of Fees
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- List of Students required to pay the tuition fees online or at designated branch of Axis Bank
- List of candidates required reporting to help center Online Stray Vacancy Round (MDS)
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC MDS Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
- Vacant Seats after completion of Admission Process
[03th Sept, 2024 04:00 PM]
- Advertisement for Stray Vacancy Round Online Registration
- Vacancy after 3rd Round
- MDS 3rd Round Non-Reported Candidate List
- Procedure for Online Registration - PG MDS
- Process of Online Admission - PG MDS
- Eligibility Criteria and list of Documents Required for Admission process of ACPPGMEC
- List Of Help Center
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC MDS Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
[27th Aug, 2024 10:30 PM]
- Advertisement for 3rd Round of Online Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MDS)
- Institute Wise Result (MDS)
- Last Rank (MDS)
- List of MDS Institute with address
- List of Designated Branches of AXIS Bank for Payment of Tuition Fees
- List of Help Centers
- Steps for Admission Confirmation
- Instructions for submission of Original Documents after allotment of admission
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate Size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC MDS Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
- Vacancy after 3rd Round
- List of Students required to pay the tuition fees online or at designated branch of Axis Bank
- List of Students required to report at the Help Center
- Advertisement for Online Registration & Choice Filling (MDS)
- Procedure for Online Registration - PG MDS
- Process of Online Admission - PG MDS
- Authority Letter
- Eligibility Criteria and list of Documents Required for Admission process of ACPPGMEC
- Guidelines for choice filling
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MDS 2nd Round Non-Reported Candidate List
- Vacancy After Second Round
[07th Jul, 2024 06:30 PM]
- Advertisement for 2nd Round of Online Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MDS)
- Institute Wise Result (MDS)
- Last Rank (MDS)
- List of MDS Institute with address
- List of Designated Branches of AXIS Bank for Payment of Tuition Fees
- List of Help Centers
- Steps for Admission Confirmation
- Instructions for submission of Original Documents after allotment of admission
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate Size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC MDS Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
- Vacancy after 2nd Round
- List of Students required to pay the tuition fees online or at designated branch of Axis Bank
- List of Students required to report at the Help Center
[03-Aug-2024, 02:10 PM]
After giving allotment to all reserved category candidates to reserved seats, reserved category seats are transferable to unreserved category seats. This process will be done at the time of allotment of the 2nd Round. E.g., from NRI quota to Management quota and from SC, ST, SEBC, EWS to General (Open) category, from PwD Quota to respective category.
અનામત કેટેગરીના તમામ ઉમેદવારોને અનામત બેઠકો પર પ્રવેશ આપ્યા પછી, અનામત કેટેગરીની ખાલી રહેતી બેઠકો બિન અનામત શ્રેણીની બેઠકોમાં ટ્રાન્સફર કરવાપાત્ર હોય છે. આ પ્રક્રિયા બીજા રાઉન્ડ ના અલોટમેન્ટ વખતે કરવામાં આવશે. દા.ત. NRI કવોટા થી Management ક્વોટા તથા SC, ST, SEBC, EWS થી General (Open) કેટેગરી અને PwD ક્વોટાથી જે તે કેટેગરીમાં ટ્રાન્સફર થશે.
All candidates are requested to follow the choice filling of counselling as per his/her desire with/without considering the seat matrix available on website
- Vacant NRI seats will be converted to Management seats
- Vacant Management seats will be converted to Government seats
- Vacant Institutional seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to respective CATEGORY of State seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS).
- Vacant Reserved Category State seats (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to OPEN State seats
- Vacant PwD seats will be converted to State seats in respective category
- Above procedure will be followed during the second round allotment process.
- Advertisement for Online Registration & Choice Filling (MDS)
- Procedure for Online Registration - PG MDS
- Process of Online Admission - PG MDS
- Instructions for NRI Candidates
- Authority Letter
- Eligibility Criteria and list of Documents Required for Admission process of ACPPGMEC
- Guidelines for choice filling
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MDS 1st Round Non-Reported Candidate List
- Vacancy After First Round
As per the NEET-MDS State Schedule for MDS 2024 given by MCC, New Delhi, commencement of Academic Session for PG-MDS course for the academic year 2024-25 is 01st August, 2024.
[20th Jul, 2024 7:45 PM]
- Advertisement for 1st Round of Online Allotment & Reporting
- Rank Wise Result (MDS)
- Institute Wise Result (MDS)
- Last Rank (MDS)
- Vacancy After First Round
- List of MDS Institute with address
- List of Designated Branches of AXIS Bank for Payment of Tuition Fees
- List of Help Centers
- Steps for Admission Confirmation
- Instructions for submission of Original Documents after allotment of admission
- Information to be written on 11 x 15-inch (Appropriate Size) Envelope
- Authority Letter
- Instructions for State Counselling Rounds (All 04 Rounds) as per MCC, Govt of India, New Delhi
- MCC MDS Admission Schedule 2024 for State as well as All India Quota
Vacant reserved seat will be converted during second round allotment process.
[18-July-2024, 12:00 PM]
After giving allotment to all reserved category candidates to reserved seats, reserved category seats are transferable to unreserved category seats. This process will be done at the time of allotment of the 2nd Round. E.g., from NRI quota to Management quota and from SC, ST, SEBC, EWS to General (Open) category, from PwD Quota to respective category.
અનામત કેટેગરીના તમામ ઉમેદવારોને અનામત બેઠકો પર પ્રવેશ આપ્યા પછી, અનામત કેટેગરીની ખાલી રહેતી બેઠકો બિન અનામત શ્રેણીની બેઠકોમાં ટ્રાન્સફર કરવાપાત્ર હોય છે. આ પ્રક્રિયા બીજા રાઉન્ડ ના અલોટમેન્ટ વખતે કરવામાં આવશે. દા.ત. NRI કવોટા થી Management ક્વોટા તથા SC, ST, SEBC, EWS થી General (Open) કેટેગરી અને PwD ક્વોટાથી જે તે કેટેગરીમાં ટ્રાન્સફર થશે.
All candidates are requested to follow the choice filling of counselling as per his/her desire with/without considering the seat matrix available on website
- Vacant NRI seats will be converted to Management seats
- Vacant Management seats will be converted to Government seats
- Vacant Institutional seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to respective CATEGORY of State seats (Open/SC/ST/SEBC/EWS).
- Vacant Reserved Category State seats (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) will be converted to OPEN State seats
- Vacant PwD seats will be converted to State seats in respective category
- Above procedure will be followed during the second round allotment process.
[18-July-2024, 12:00 PM]
[16-JUL-2024 09.30 AM]
Provisional Merit List of MDS course 2024-25 is published here on this website. If any candidate has any query/problem regarding Provisional Merit List published by ACPPGMEC for MDS course 2024-25 , the candidate has to submit the legible scanned copies of supportive documents via e-mail: on or before 12.00 pm, 18 July 2024. Please mention the USER ID & NAME whenever you do communication with ACPPGMEC.
- In accordance with the minimum qualifying/eligibility criteria for admission to MDS courses as mentioned in the Information Bulletin for NEET-MDS 2024, the cut-off scores for various categories are as follows:
Category | Minimum Qualifying/Eligibility Criteria | Cut-Off Scores (Out of 960) |
General/EWS | 50th percentile | 263 |
SC/ST/OBC (Including PwBD of SC/ST/OBC) | 40th percentile | 230 |
General PwD | 45th percentile | 246 |
As per the letter No: HFWD/0133/07/2024 dated 09/07/2024 from the Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Gujarat, All the Person with Disability candidates are hereby requested to read the following PwD Letter and take note of the same.
મેડીકલ અભ્યાસક્રમોમાં પ્રવેશ માટે Person with Disability ની ચકાસણી માટે મેડીકલ બોર્ડની અને મેડીકલ અપીલ બોર્ડની રચના
[ 11-Jul-2024, 12.30 PM ]
As per the letter No: Ref.U-12021/03/2024-MEC dated 11/07/2024 from the Office of the MCC, DGHS, New Delhi, Internship Completion date for online registration for MDS-2024 course is revised to 30/06/2024. All the students are hereby requested to take note of that.
MCC Notice for NEET MDS 2024 Internship Completion
[ 09-Jul-2024, 02.45 PM ]